Mysore Fig
(Ficus Mysorensis)
Florida State Champion

Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected over the years a list of questions that come up more often than others. Even though some of the questions are answered on the homepage and others are answered on the Ficus Mysorensis page we have included them on this page also. If you find you have a question not answered here just send an email to and we will answer it the best we can. It might even be placed on the list of FAQs.

  1. How often does the tree produce fruit?
  2. Are the figs edible?
  3. What do you do with all the figs?
  4. What do you do with all the leaves you collect?
  5. How long have you lived here?
  6. Did you set the tree out?
  7. How long has the tree been in your family?
  8. How much has the tree grown since you have owned the property?
  9. Do you get any help from the State to take care of the tree?
  10. Do you have to fertilize the tree?
  11. How much do you water the tree?
  12. How deep do the roots go?
  13. What makes the roots grow the way they do?
  14. Do the roots affect the house?
  15. Have you been able to get a new tree started from this tree?
  16. How is Mysore pronounced?

Q) How often does the tree produce fruit?
A) The tree has fruit that gets ripe all year long but it has two major crops a year. The crops get ripe at different times depending on the weather.
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Q) Are the figs edible?
A) They are edible but do not have much of a flavor and are not very sweet. See below for more information.
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Q) What do you do with all the figs?
A) Even though the figs are not real good for eating, we have found through a lengthy process they can be used to make jelly with. The jelly has a very nice color, texture and taste. We offer free tastes of the jelly for anyone that would like to try it.
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Q) What do you do with all the leaves you collect?
A) The tree losses all of it leaves only once a year but that is enough to fill 15-20 trash cans a week for 2-3 weeks. The rest of the year there are a few leaves that fall from time to time but not in a big quantity. So far we have not found a good use for them but you never know; it took us 4-5 years to come up with good jelly.
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Q) How long have you lived here?
A) The property was purchased in 1971 by the family and the tree did come with it.
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Q) Did you set the tree out?
A) LOL, How old do we look? The tree was planted in 1896.
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Q) How long has the tree been in your family?
A) Since the tree came with the property and we bought the property in 1971 then the tree has been in the family since 1971.
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Q) How much has the tree grown since you have owned the property?
A) Living with something like this it is hard to tell if it has grown or not. Looking back at some older pictures we can tell that yes it has grown. The tree will be remeasured soon so we should have a good idea how much it has grown in the last 10 years.
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Q) Do you get any help from the State to take care of the tree?
A) No, unfortunately. We do not get any help at all.
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Q) Do you have to fertilize the tree?
A) We do not add any fertilizer to the tree itself but I am sure it gets what it needs from the plants we fertilize around it.
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Q) How much do you water the tree?
A) With the root system it has there is no need to water it.
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Q) How deep do the roots go?
A) The roots only go below ground 9-12 inches.
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Q) What makes the roots grow the way they do?
A) Just happens that they simply grow this way on their own.
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Q) Do the roots affect the house?
A) The storage building directly under the tree was built in 1971 and has no cracks at all in the floor. The road has no cracks in it. The roots seem to just go around when they run into something.
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Q) Have you been able to get a new tree started from this tree?
A) We have tried many times with no success. We have been told that there have been some started at Palomar College in California. We will continue to try and will inform you of any success.
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Q) How is Mysore pronounced?
A) This is a very good question as different cultures pronounce words differently. The IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is the way to figure out how to pronounce words. Using the IPA Mysore translates the first part of the word to sound like my, wise, or high with the first syllable receiving the emphasis and the second part of the word to sound like tore, boar, port. Putting this together you get my sore. It basically sounds just as it is written, "Mysore".
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